April 18, 2016
Que Honda?
We have transfers again tomorrow! The time seriously is going by so so fast. I feel like I just got here! My guess is that I am staying here but we never know. We are always surprised by transfers.
Well this week was a great one! We had interviews with our mission president. Mine was the longest one! Probably because I have so much to work on! Laredo North and Laredo South zones all meet in the chapel and we sit there and listen to messages and stuff while president does interviews. We don't get to leave until they are all done. It took about 7 hours. Although I learned a ton I was ready to get out of there by the end of it! It was great though.
Robert is doing awesome. We always laugh so hard while we are there and the spirit is so strong when we teach him. There were many days this transfer where I wanted to give up but it was Robert that kept me going. I have never felt so much love for one of God's children than I do for Robert. He is the most teachable and humble person I have ever met. It makes my heart hurt to see him struggle to overcome smoking. I would do anything to see him happy. On Thursday night we had taught him about 3 Nephi 11 when Christ visits the people in the Americas. Robert was excited that he could inherit a piece of God's kingdom. I asked Robert if I could put my "Piece of kingdom next to his piece of kingdom." He was hesitant but then agreed that I could:) During the lesson he got so excited and was like "Baptize me girls!!!" We set up a date for May 8th. So we are helping him to achieve that goal. During the lesson there is a another verse where it says, that their 'hearts burned.' (something like that). We talked to him about it and explained the Holy Ghost and how he works. So on Sunday he came to church and during the Sacrament service a new convert was getting the gift of the Holy Ghost. Robert leans over to me and whispers really loud, "Girls my heart is on fire!!" We had a laugh about that. We also had a member come with us earlier in the week to help fellowship Robert and help teach him. After the lesson we were outside of the gate ready to leave and I said to the member, "Thanks for coming Mario you're the best!" Robert overheard me say that and he was like, "Miss Thomas you said I was the best! Do you tell that to everybody?!" Then he stormed off haha!
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The Elder who took this picture said, "How many Sisters does it take to tell an Elder how to put a bike on the rack?" The answer is 4. |
We have been teaching a lot of people lately. I wish I had more time to tell about them all! There is a part member family who we have been working with. Bere is not a member. We had a spiritual lesson with her on Saturday as well and she is going to be baptized this Sunday! We are excited for her! She is going to be the example that her family needs to come back to church.
I hope this story makes sense. We have been teaching this guy named Charlie. He is our age. Charlie has a brother named Joey who is still in high school. Last week I went over to their house with another sister because we were on exchanges. We were knocking on the door when Joey and his girlfriend Karissa came walking up. We talked to them for a little bit and then they let us in and went into another room and we taught Charlie. A few times since then when we went by to teach Charlie he would always tell us its okay to come in the house because his brothers girlfriend was there and that we were able to enter the house. Although we never taught them I knew who they were from meeting them that one time. Last Sunday the Elders brought a family to church that they had randomly found through a member. Sister Moore and I taught in young women's that Sunday and the girl from the family was in young women's with us. I got to talking to her and we made the connection that she is Joey's girlfriend who I met for a brief moment that one day and that she was always there inside Charlie's house when we taught him lessons! So our investigator is dating the Elders' investigator! Its cool because we both just kind of found the two families separately. Karissa has helped us a lot to get Joey to come to church and it was a tender mercy from God!
This week has been a miracle-filled one. We have found so many cool people and we had a lot come to church yesterday as well. I pray that I will get to stay another one here with Sister Moore. The work is hard and we always have a lot to do but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here doing the Lord's work. My Padre wrote me a letter this week with a quote in it that says, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." I know that to be true will all of my heart. I wouldn't be out here if He called the qualified! I'm grateful for the many souls who have changed my life and I'm grateful to be a part of miracles and changing theirs too.
I love you all and I thank you for your love and support. Have a great week!!
Hermanita ThOmAs.
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