May 31, 2016
This watermelon is as big as me. It legit weighed about 50 pounds.
What Sisters do in their off-time |
So we have transfers today!! I am...... staying here in Brownsville! Sister Guzman left this morning. I'm just chilling here by myself in the library. Haha just kidding I'm with Sister Espinosa and we are waiting for our new companions to come. I have no idea who it is!
Random dinosaur
A pinata on P-day! |
On Saturday we had a surprise leadership meeting. President Maluenda is finishing his mission on the end of June and he is preparing the mission for the new president. He had us all raise our hands if we were going to be going home in July or August. 90 percent of the leadership in the mission are and so the Zone Leaders and STLs are all going to be training new missionaries (greenies) or new leaders. And he has called younger missionaries to be the new Zone Leaders and STLs. I am the only STL that stayed! I don't know if he has kept any of the other STLs and is just putting them in another area or if I'm the only one that didn't go down to train. Either way it doesn't matter, I'm just happy that I get to keep my calling. It keeps me on my toes and busy. I love going on exchanges with the other sisters and helping them.
The checkpoint going into Mexico. Too bad my passport is at home!
A pretty sunset |
This week on Friday we were studying in the morning and during comp study sister Guzman looks at me and calmly says, " I have lice" I thought she was kidding but she had been saying for a week or so that her head itched. I realized she was serious and then I freaked out!! We called the other sisters to come over because we needed help with "something" they came over and sister Schickedanz stayed with sister guzman to go get lice shampoo and sister Edmonds came with me to meet Miguel at Taco Bell and teach him a lesson. When we got back we spent 5 hours getting lice out of her hair and putting the clothes in the dryers and cleaning. The OCD inside of me came right out! That was a day from Satan. It was so horrible. but I didn't get it!!
This is Manuel, our investigator from Mexico. He finished his song about the Book of Mormon. It's SO good. I want to try and record him singing it. Hopefully he will let me.
My favorite sister, Sara, went to Corpus to visit her in-laws and ran into Sister Castro at the Corpus Ward where I served! |
We had a ton of exchanges this week. I was with Sister Rivera on Tuesday. On Wednesday I was with Sister Edmonds. On Thursday I was with Sister Calero in port Isabel. And Friday I was with sister Edmonds again for part of the day. Then on Saturday we had that leadership meeting in McAllen which lasted most of the day. I was only in my area for one day.
Exchanges with Sister Edmonds
Sister Rivera and I after mowing a member's lawn. She saw a tarantula and I got bit by fire ants. |
The Elders made us all matching skirts in the district and they made themselves ties too! it was super cute. Mine is really tiny and wouldn't fit over my butt so I had to put in on over my head. Then we had an exchange after district meeting so I had to have one of the sisters get it off of me!! It was super funny and a little scary that I almost had to wear it forever because it was stuck! |
Jennifer was supposed to be baptized on sunday but her mom "made" them all go to the beach and so she wasn't.:( we had a lesson with Jennifer this week to help her receive her answer because she wasn't really sure. I told her to pray right then and ask and she did. Then afterwards I handed her a book of Mormon and told her to randomly open it and she will find her answer. She did and her answer was there! It was the coolest thing ever! She knew that she needed to be baptized and she got her answer of yes. So we are going to work hard with her this week and make things happen.
Our investigator's daughter and bunny rabbit. This is Jennifer's little sister, Daffini.
Our investigators gave us a ride home and took us all to Whataburger (fast food place). It was awesome! |
We are teaching some really cool people right now. It will be interesting to see how this transfer is and who my new companion is. Usually I can tell what is going to happen with me and transfers but this transfer has been super crazy and so im a little nervous for the changes but its going to be great because ill learn a lot.
I got to smash a cake in Elder Thunell's face for his Birthday. It's one of my favorite Mexican traditions- that was fun!
Texas Pride! |
I love you all. I hope you have a great week! Thank you for the love and support!
Love Hermana Thompson