Monday, August 24, 2015

6 Months! Time Sure Flies!!

WHAT!!!??? I cant believe that Paco got his mission call to Pocatello Idaho!!!!! I'm sitting here in the library and freaked out! I think I gave a few people a heart attack!! I KNEW that he would be called here! I told him that right before I left La Joya and he didn't take me seriously. How crazy! God is so mysterious in the way he works. I never have believed in coincidences. You guys will have to feed the missionaries more often now;) How funny. I'm still in shock and can hardly believe it!!!!

Paco and the Bishop
Displaying paco2.jpg

I forgot now all the things I was going to write;) jk but this week has been interesting. Earlier this week I popped my tire like a fatty doing a wheelie. The other two sisters we live with have been on exchanges all week with some of the STLs in the mission so they haven't been here. I was using Sister Isom's bike all week. We rode ALL the way to Walmart to get a new tire for my bike and I got the LAST one! I was like "Heck yeah! Tender mercies!" We got all the way home and somebody put a 20" tire in the 26" box! So I got Jewed.  A few days later we went all the way back to Walmart and got a new tire and got home and it was for a 3 speed bike!  It's too skinny for my bike.  We have to take it back today so that Sister Isom can have her bike back. Not to mention I crashed twice this week! The first time I was holding my camera and Sister Whitten stopped in front of me and so I braked super hard with the hand that I was steering with which just so happened to be the front brake!  I legit flew over my handle bars like a loony-toon cartoon! I haven't done that in years. My crotch hit the handle bars too and that didn't feel so good.  My camera was handy since I was holding it so Sister Whitten took a picture;)  The second time I broke my toe! (all of this happened on Sister Isoms bike)  We were going to go get food and of course I was hauling as fast as I could because I was "starvin-marvin' and I turned right but my right peddle was down (rookie move) and I smashed my foot between the curb and my peddle. I didn't even swear! I was pretty proud of that. I'm like 70% sure that my middle toe is broken. My companion made me get a blessing and then our District Leader made me call the nurse which was lame. I just told her it was fine the next day and to not worry about it. It's kind of hard to walk though but not like they can do anything for it anyway. That's a little taste of how much fun my bike area has been! Sweaty and hurtful. I guess it builds character.

In our area there are a lot of Resacas. Not really sure exactly what they are but basically they are like pond river things. A few days after I got here we met these two little kids along the pathway of the river and we taught them and helped them throw their nets into the river. One of the boys introduced us to his dad who was fishing further down and he wanted to know what church we were from so we went over there.  He is an older guy named Larry and lately we have been going by there to his fishing spot every now and then and fish with them and talk about Jesus. We have met all of his friends and we teach them all. It's a group of older guys. It's actually been really fun. My companion caught a catfish. That was cool.

Our church is also in a strip mall. It's kind of weird. It looks like the church on the inside though.  Yesterday my companion and I were standing inside the glass doors handing out programs as people came in and church was about to start but we just stood there anyway. I saw this guy walk by and he was holding some food and so I was like "HEY invite that guy to come in!" My comp kind of just stared at him and he got to the corner and so we both hurried and went out as he sat down on a bench and we were said, "Hey do you wanna come to church with us?"  He told us that he had never been to church but that he reads his Bible. He said that he would come though in five minutes after he ate.  We went back in the church and I just kind of creeped on him through the glass to make sure he came. I didn't creep too hard because he did! He is the most prepared person ever! His name is Jose and he is 28. Who knew that taking your breakfast on a Sunday morning to a park bench would change your life forever! Not a coincidence.  He is coming to the activity we are having tomorrow making cake and bread and he asked if he could come next week to church because he learned a lot. He accepted the Book Of Mormon really well too:)

This area is different but I'm not praying for new scenery I'm praying for new eyes to see. I'm here for a reason and so I'm slowly trying to find it. Faith, faith, faith! God hasn't let me down so far so I'm just being patient here. We see miracles and little tender mercies every day. Thank you for all the prayers and support! I love you all:)
Love, Hermanita Thompson

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