Tuesday, May 24, 2016

15 MOnThS!!!!!!!!

 May 17, 2016

I would say that I've overcome my fear of horses but this picture says that I'm lying.
This week was a good one! So I always talk our district or the sisters into getting taco bell because taco bell is awesome. So earlier in the week we were there and I got my food and so I went and sat down with another sister. After I left, Sister Guzman was talking to some guy and she came and sat by us after and said that he had worked in Utah and Idaho and knew a little bit about Mormons. He lives in Mexico and comes here everyday to work. She got his information so that we could talk to him. Anyway a few days later I was on an exchange and I remembered we had Miguel's number and so I had the thought to call him. We did and he couldn't meet up with us that day so we said we would try again another day. Well a few days went by and we kind of forgot to call him again. We were out working and I was like "Let's get taco bell!!" I'm sure Sister Guzman is sick of taco bell but we went anyway. When I was at the soda fountain this man came up to me and asked where my friends were and I was like "quien?" Then I realized that he was Miguel, the guy that Sister Guzman talked to! So I had her come over and we sat down with him and we taught him about the restoration in the middle of taco bell. It was awesome. He writes and sings songs. He used to run marathons but can't now because he has arthritis. On the way out we gave him a Book of Mormon to read. 
The other day he texted us a song he wrote about the Book of Mormon! 
 "Los hermanos las hermanas por ti haran una oracion y el libro del Mormon se quedara en tu Corazon caminando caminando peladiando sin parar el mensaje lo llevamos por el mundo sin parar si quieres te visitamos para hacer una oracion y si la oracion te gusta nuestro padre celestial te iluminara por siempre con el libro del Mormon."

He texted us this morning and we met him here at the library because he wanted to learn more about the Book of Mormon. We had a super good lesson with him. He had questions written down about things he heard or read. It's super cool to see. It's one of those things that doesn't happen very often!! All because of my love for taco bell and God:) 

Just acting like 6 year olds again!

We have been teaching a transgender person too. She is a girl working on being a dude. We found her contacting on a street. She has come to our church for the past year but she goes in Rio which is like an hour away. She knows it's all true but can't get baptized because she is taking hormone shots and doesn't want to stop them. So that's been crazy to deal with. She is super cool and plays the guitar really well. We always have a good time when we go there to teach her. We went by the other night and she was at work so we talked to her mom. Her mom was out sitting on the driveway in a chair relaxing. She told us that she was about to mow the lawn so I got up and started mowing it! Hahaha I love doing that. Mexican people freak out when you try to help them. They are hard workers. She finally let me do it after some "arguing" . I told her I needed blessings. I guess she agreed;) 

Last week Dad wrote saying that he was getting the garden all ready and in my head I was thinking, "Well, that's dumb.  It's so hot already!"  It's HOT here! I forget that I'm going to die when I get home.  It was 109 the other day.
Jennifer is doing really well. She came to church yesterday with her cousins. She has changed a lot since we started meeting with her. She loves the church. Her mom doesn't like the idea of Joseph Smith being a prophet and so she kind of stopped coming. We are working hard with them. They are doing good. We are hoping she will be baptized next Sunday or the one after depending on the mom. 

Yesterday we went to a member's house to eat who is a single man so we ate on the front porch of his trailer.  He gave us soup.  Have you ever had soup when it's 100 degrees outside? I don't recommend it.  But it was amazing soup so I'll give him that!
The mission is going great. We get to be a part of a lot of awesome stuff and some not so awesome stuff too. 

We went digging for surprises at the Bodega!  I thought I was just digging for lice and fleas.
Thank you for all your love and support! I love you all a ton. Have a great week!
                                       Hermana Thompson

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