December 29, 2015
This week went by super fast! We had our Christmas Conference with the entire mission! It's a weird feeling when most of your mission friends are gone. I don't like being one of the older ones! |
Elder Bernard and I at the Christmas conference |
On Christmas Eve we had to be home by 6:00. We decided we would all open our packages together. We did that and then sat around and talked and had a good time. It was one of my favorite Christmases that I've had. I felt like I was a kid again. Everything was so new and exciting. Thank you mom for everything! I loved the surprises. Thank you Missy and Zander for the packages as well:) I loved the family letter, mom! We had a good laugh that Devin wrote me one sentence and Dad wrote me two! Boys. I think the sisters-in-law wrote more than my brothers did:) so thank you. I use my foot massager while I study in the mornings. It's wonderful! The girl scout cookies are almost gone too. I had those for breakfast today:) The books are awesome! I loved the stocking too:) Every bit of it!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I can't say that enough!
Matching pajamas |
On Christmas morning we went to a family in the Elders' ward. There were the zone leaders and the Elders that live with them and us and the sisters that live with us. We had breakfast burritos. There is an elder named Elder Stanley (he lives with the ZLs). He and I act like siblings. We are SUPER sarcastic and rude to each other. Side story: Example. We were practicing for our skit for the Christmas party last p-day. Elder Stanley kind of took charge. I was like "Hey Elder Stanley have you ever thought of working at a prison because you would be really good at it!" He said, "No because then I'd meet more women like you!" HAHA! I think our zone gets a little worried sometimes. We think it's funny. At the breakfast our Christmas present to everyone was that we were going to be nice to each other. I had to bite my tongue the whole time! We would set each other up for rude comments and so it made it fun not to say anything. After that we went to the Oblads and skyped. Not going to lie, it made me super home sick and miss the family and snow. It's still a little hard but when we are out working I forget about it. I also played Mario Kart with the kids. We had a fun time over there.
Skyping with the fam |
We went by the next day and had dinner with them and the Elders too. After that we took the presents that I bought with the money from Missy and Devin and we delivered those. We gave them to several people. I got games and puzzles and a bunch of stuff. There are a lot of older single men that we are working with and we took them gifts because they don't have any family. That was one of the highlights of my Christmas. They were all super grateful and surprised that we would bring them a gift. I loved it!
Wrapping the presents we bought |
We also met a possessed guy last night. Super freaky. I'm out of time but I'll tell that story next week. That is my cliff hanger, I guess;) One of the greatest things about missionary work is being so close to the spirit. It is sometimes physically draining to be so spiritually high all the time and when things like that happen it drains you more. It's so hard to describe. You can read people really well as a missionary just based off of feelings. It's the coolest to talk with your companion afterwards and the same thought or feelings you had they had too.