Howdy yall!
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It's kind of a sad feeling when you realize that all of your friends and everybody else all forgot about you after four months except for your parents. I can't help but wonder that I must have not made that much of an impact on anyone.
This week.... was good. It got up to 104 a few of the days! We were chased by 44 dogs and I got bit on the ankle by a chihuahua. The food and I have a real love/ hate relationship. One of the days I was standing outside of the car enjoying a nice plum when my feet started to burn... I was standing on a fire ant hill!! Now i know why they call them fire ants. I did a nice dance for my companion! I was also bit by a parrot on the ear and the finger! I feel like I'm six again; I have cuts and bruises all over from stupid things! I can't help but wonder sometimes that God looks down at me and puts his palm to his face! I sometimes feel bad for the angels that are looking out for me.

I wanted to tell a few spiritual stories that we have had with one of our investigators but I think I'm going to wait until I see the end results with this one. I often wonder why the Lord trusted me with this investigator because he is such a spiritual being and I know the Lord has amazing plans for him. The Lord is definitely working miracles through us and it has been a privilege to be apart of them and to not only have my character enhanced as well as those we teach.
A few days ago I re-learned a lesson. My companion and I had dinner at this little crappy Mexican restaurant and after we were done we went up and paid. The lady told me the price and in my mind it seemed too low for what I had ordered but I paid her all of the cash I had and didn't say anything. My companion paid and then we started to walk out the door. We got outside the door and I immediately turned around knowing I had no more cash to give if she had forgot to add on something. I went up to her and explained that I thought that she had forgot to charge me for my drink and she looked at the receipt and said "It's okay, don't worry about it!" I know that the Lord was testing me in that moment and that I was able to learn from that experience although it was something as silly and as small as a soda, the concept was much greater.
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I don't have much else to say. It's getting hotter by the day. The dogs still hate me. My farmers tan is gnarly but I have lots of work to do so I hope y'all have a good week! Thanks for the prayers and support!
Finally found elder browning!!! He's the brother of one of the sisters from the MTC.
Love Hermana Thompson
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